Oracle Database 12c: Analytic SQL for Data Warehousing


Základní info

This Oracle Database 12c: Analytic SQL for Data Warehousing training teaches you how to interpret the concept of a hierarchical query, create a tree-structured report, format hierarchical data and exclude branches from the tree structure. You'll also learn to use regular expressions and sub-expressions to search for, match, and replace strings. bLearn To:/pse SQL with aggregation operators, SQL for Analysis and Reporting functions.roup and aggregate data using the ROLLUP and CUBE operators, the GROUPING function, Composite Columns and the concatenated Groupings.nalyze and report data using Ranking functions, the LAG/LEAD Functions and the PIVOT and UNPIVOT clauses.erform advanced pattern regular expressions to search for, match and replace strings.bBenefits to You/pnrolling in this course will help data warehouse builders and implementers, database administrators, system administrators and database application developers to better design, maintain and use data warehouses. Through working with expert Oracle University instructors in a hands-on classroom environment, you'll deepen your knowledge so you can perform better on the job.bBefore Attending this Course/pefore attending this course, you should be familiar with the following: relational database concepts, data warehouse theory and implementation, Oracle server concepts )including application and server tuning) and the operating system environment on which the Oracle Database Server is running. You'll use Oracle SQL Developer to develop program units. SQL*Plus is introduced as an optional tool.

Oracle Database 12c: Analytic SQL for Data Warehousing

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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