Oracle Database 12c: New Features for Administrators


Základní info

In the Oracle Database 12c: New Features for Administrators course, you’ll learn about the new and enhanced features of Oracle Database 12c. Expert instructors will teach you how these features increase security, manageability and performance.Explore the Following New Features:Online Data-file MoveHeat MapAutomatic Data OptimizationTemporal historyTemporal validityRow-archivalUnified AuditingAdministrative privilegesPrivilege AnalysisData RedactionAdaptive Execution PlansSQL Plan DirectivesReal-Time ADDMCompare Period ADDMData PumpPartitioningSQLBenefits to YouEnsure fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance. Optimize database workloads, lower IT costs and deliver a higher quality of service by enabling consolidation onto database clouds.Multitenant ArchitectureAfter a brief review of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c and Enterprise Manager Database Express, you'll learn the new concept of multitenant architecture, its benefits and usage. This includes tasks like creating, managing, monitoring, backing up and recovering multitenant container database and pluggable databases.Hands-on Practices and DemonstrationsHands-on practices and available demonstrations help you learn how to use these new or enhanced features of Oracle Database 12c. You'll explore using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and other tools like Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express SQL Developer to manage, monitor and administer your data center.

Oracle Database 12c: New Features for Administrators

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55 000 Kč + 21% DPH

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