Oracle Database 12c: SQL and PL/SQL New Features Ed 1


Základní info

The Oracle Database 12c: SQL and PL/SQL New Features course introduces students to the new features available in Oracle Database 12c. This course covers the latest features available in SQL language and feature enhancements in PL/SQL, data types, language performance, and data warehousing.bLearn To:/pnderstanding the FETCH clause to limit the rows returned by a SQL query.ake advantage of the invisible and hidden columns.ake use of the IDENTITY column to automatically generate the number column.tilize the ACCESSIBLE BY clause to create a white list of PL/SQL units.rant roles to PL/SQL packages and standalone stored procedures.nderstand Synchronous Materialized Views.dentify ways to improve query performance against OLAP cubes.bBenefits To You/penefit by learning some of the data warehousing new features available in Oracle Database 12c such as maintaining multiple partitions, and SQL for pattern matching.

Oracle Database 12c: SQL and PL/SQL New Features Ed 1

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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