Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL


Základní info

This Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL training starts with an introduction to PL/SQL and then explores the benefits of this powerful programming language. Through hands-on instruction from expert Oracle instructors, you'll learn to develop stored procedures, functions, packages and more.bLearn To:/ponditionally control code flow (loops, control structures).se PL/SQL packages to group and contain related constructs.reate triggers to solve business some of the Oracle supplied PL/SQL packages to generate screen output and file output.reate anonymous PL/SQL blocks, functions and procedures.eclare PL/SQL Variables.bBenefits to You/pnsure fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance. Optimize database workloads, lower IT costs and deliver a higher quality of service by enabling consolidation onto database clouds.bUse Oracle SQL Developer/pou’ll use Oracle SQL Developer to develop these program units. SQL*Plus and JDeveloper are introduced in this course as optional tools.bCourse Bundle/pote: This course is a combination of Oracle Database: PL/SQL Fundamentalsand Oracle Database: Develop PL/SQL Program Units courses.

Oracle Database: Program with PL/SQL

Vybraný termín:


50 200 Kč + 21% DPH

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