Oracle Database Security: Detective Controls Ed 1


Základní info

In the Oracle Database Security: Detective Controls course, students learn how they can use Oracle Database administration auditing features to meet the compliance requirements of their organization. The current regulatory environment requires better security at the database level. Students learn how to audit the access to their databases and how to use the auditing and compliance features to monitor data access and confidentiality. The course provides suggested Oracle solutions for common problems.bLearn To:/pnumerate Oracle auditing solutions to monitor database security requirements.mplement Oracle Audit Vault and Oracle Database Firewall.onfigure Oracle Audit Vault and Oracle Database Firewall.xplain Oracle Compliance Framework.onfigure basic Compliance Framework rules.b Benefits To You/ptudents will benefit by learning about the following security features of the database: Oracle Audit Vault, Oracle Database Firewall and Oracle Compliance Framework.ands-on practices and available demonstrations help students learn how to use detective control features of Oracle Database 12c to audit their database access using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control or other simple tools like SQL*Plus.

Oracle Database Security: Detective Controls Ed 1

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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