Oracle Database: SQL Workshop I Ed 2


Základní info

The Oracle Database: SQL Workshop I Ed 2 course offers students an introduction to Oracle Database 12c database technology. The students are also introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service. In this class students learn the concepts of relational databases and the powerful SQL programming language. This course provides the essential SQL skills that allow developers to write queries against single and multiple tables, manipulate data in tables, and create database objects.bLearn To:/pdentify what a SQL statement is.nderstand the Oracle Relational SQL Developer.rite reports using SQL Statements.anipulate data in relational tables and save the data.b Benefits To You/ptudents use Oracle SQL Developer as the main environment tool for writing SQL. SQL*Plus is introduced as an optional tool. Demonstrations and hands-on practice reinforce the fundamental concepts.

Oracle Database: SQL Workshop I Ed 2

Vybraný termín:


30 120 Kč + 21% DPH

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