Oracle Enterprise Data Quality 12c: Match and Parse


Základní info

This Oracle Enterprise Data Quality 12c: Match and Parse training (based on Oracle Enterprise Data Quality version 12.1.3) teaches you how to configure match processors to find and optionally merge exact and similar (fuzzy) matching records. You'll learn how to create sophisticated match rules, configure merge options and review match results.bLearn To:/ponfigure match processors to identify and optionally merge matching parse processors to extract key data from free text the address verification processor and interpret its results.tandardize data using a number of Oracle Enterprise Data Quality and interpret results from the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality Address Verification server.ailor a customer data extension pack parse processor to extract, standardize and re-structure data from a free text field.onfigure the Parse processor from scratch.each a semantic understanding of free text by using the Phrase Profiler.nderstand EDQ's Customer Data Services Pack and case management functionality.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll get introduced to Oracle Enterprise Data Quality's transliteration capabilities on a deeper level so you can leverage this solution. Develop an understanding of available match processors, including those in the Customer Data Extension Pack.bPlease Note/phis course is based on Oracle Enterprise Data Quality version 12.1.3 .

Oracle Enterprise Data Quality 12c: Match and Parse

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36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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