Oracle Essbase 11.1.2 Bootcamp


Základní info

This Oracle Essbase 11.1.2 Bootcamp Self-Study Course training will teach you about the principal techniques and theories for the design of Essbase block storage databases. Block storage databases are deployed independently for budgeting, forecasting and planning, and as the underlying data storage and analytic engine for Hyperion Planning applications.bLearn To:/preate block storage databases.uild rules files.nalyze data with Smart View.reate basic calculations.xtend analysis capabilities.bBenefits to You/pnrolling in this course will teach you how to create a database outline, load data into the database and analyze data with Smart View. You'll also get the chance to create calculation scripts (to calculate data for different scenarios) and perform advanced analysis on the database by implementing varying attribute dimensions and typed measures. Design discussions and hands-on activities help you practice these new skills.This course is also suitable for customers using Oracle Essbase 11.1.1.

Oracle Essbase 11.1.2 Bootcamp

Vybraný termín:


22 250 Kč + 21% DPH

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