Oracle Essbase 11.1.2: Deploy Aggregate Storage Databases


Základní info

You learn the principles of aggregate storage database design, then how to build, load, report from, and manage aggregate storage databases, constructing the sixteen-dimension in-class database through a series of guided exercises. earn to:esign, develop, and deploy aggregate storage databases anage aggregate storage databases onstruct variance, mix, and other member calculations using MDX mplement time intelligence for time period reporting escribe custom calculations and allocations in aggregate storage databases dditional topics give you an in-depth view of (and hands-on practice in) important elements of ASO development, including complex member formulas, time intelligence, partitioning, and the new features in Release 11.1.2, calculation templates and allocations.

Oracle Essbase 11.1.2: Deploy Aggregate Storage Databases

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48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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