Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2.x for Architects


Základní info

The Exalogic engineered system provides your mission-critical applications with a high performance, reliable, and secure ecosystem. Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2.x for Architects helps ensure that IT organizations can successfully integrate their applications into this unique environment that includes InfiniBand networks, ZFS storage, and virtual data centers.bLearn To:/preate an Exalogic implementation road map.esign Exalogic accounts and vServers to support an application.dentify key best practices related to Exalogic networking and storage.lan for backup, disaster recovery, and patches.T Road Map/brdentify the core design decisions and implementation tasks for Exalogic deployments, from installation through production, maintenance, and disaster recovery.ultitenancy/bresign accounts, vServers, networks, and distribution groups to support an implementation. Learn how best to isolate network and storage data within a shared Exalogic infrastructure.etworks and Storage/bresign public and private networks on the InfiniBand fabric along with NFS projects and shares on the Exalogic storage appliance.

Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud 2.x for Architects

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33 524 Kč + 21% DPH

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