Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Administration


Základní info

Today's data centers often suffer from complexity, poor or inconsistent performance and high labor costs. Additionally, years of expansion or acquisition coupled with the lack of a consistent infrastructure have hindered the ability to scale the data center to meet future demands.This course gives data center administrators the tools to use Oracle Exalogic to standardize and consolidate their infrastructure, and to also increase application performance. In addition to learning how to identify, manage, and monitor all Exalogic hardware components, students create a typical Fusion Middleware configuration that takes advantage of the unique networking and storage characteristics of Exalogic, including the InfiniBand fabric.Learn to:Describe the installation process for an Exalogic machine Connect to and manage all Exalogic hardware components Prepare Exalogic for a Fusion Middleware deployment Create a WebLogic domain that is optimized for Exalogic Connect Exalogic to a database cluster

Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Administration

Vybraný termín:


55 500 Kč + 21% DPH

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