Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Islamic 12.0.3


Základní info

This Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Islamic 12.0.3 training will help you develop a solid foundation of the fundamentals of Islamic Banking. Explore Murabahah financing, Mudarabah financing, Musharakah, Ijarah, Istisna, Wakala, Tawarruq financing, Ar-Rahnu financing, CASA-Mudarabah deposits and profit distribution management, Islamic integrated liquidity management, Islamic trade finance, Islamic syndication, Islamic fixed assets and Islamic origination.bLearn To:/p nderstand the uniform functional architecture and design used across Islamic module of Oracle FLEXCUBE.uccessfully create Islamic banking related products based on different offerings of the bank.reate a product and restrict the number of products to an optimal level.bBenefits to You/p hen you walk away from this course, you'll be able to set up Islamic banking products and services in Oracle FLEXCUBE. By participating in interactive, hands-on lab exercises, you can put into practice the knowledge you gain from the theory sessions. From a bank user's point of view, you'll gain practical insight into creating Islamic account class, Islamic CASA accounts, profit distribution management and Islamic financing accounts, along with various other related operations, including zakat processing, sale contracts, manual liquidation, value dated amendments and more.bPlease Note/pinimal steps are required to complete the various flavors of Islamic transactions, as all common attributes are already defined as part of the product setup.

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Islamic 12.0.3

Vybraný termín:


150 858 Kč + 21% DPH

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