Oracle Forms Developer 10g: Move to the Web

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This course prepares you to realize the benefits of Web-deploying your Forms applications.You learn to utilize the Web architecture of Oracle Application Server 10g components, especially the Forms Servlet, the Forms Listener Servlet, the Forms Runtime Engine, and the Forms Client.

After migrating the application, you define certain aspects of its behavior by modifying middle-tier configuration files. You adapt the application to the Web environment and enhance it with Web technologies, including WebUtil, a utility that can replace much of the client-server behavior that you are accustomed to using. You utilize Web-related new features of Forms 10g. You also call Reports from Forms on the Web.

List the benefits of deploying Forms applications to the Web with Oracle Application Server 10g
Migrate Forms 6i applications to Web deployment with Oracle Application Server 10g
Adapt Forms applications to the Web environment
Use Web technologies to enhance Forms applications
Utilize Web-related new product features for Forms
Call Reports from Forms

Forms Developer
Support Engineer
Technical Consultant

Develop Forms applications with Oracle Developer Suite 6i
Use a Web browser

Cíle kurzu
Migrate client-server Forms applications to the Web
Test Forms applications in a three-tier environment
Deploy Forms applications to the middle tier
Configure run-time behavior
Adapt to features that work differently on the Web
Improve performance of Web-deployed applications
Use platform-specific features successfully
Use JavaBeans and Pluggable Java Components to extend Forms functionality
Launch a Web page from Forms
Integrate Web services into a Forms application
Use WebUtil to interact with the client
Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to configure Forms Services
Debug a form remotely
Describe the benefits of deploying a Forms application to the Web

Témata kurzu

Benefits of Deploying Forms Applications to the Web
Improving Productivity
Reducing Costs
Increasing Accessibility
Maintaining Support
Leveraging Current Knowledge
Providing a Rich User Interface
Employing the Latest Technologies
Utilizing New Product Features

Streamlining of Oracle Forms
Elimination of Character Mode and Client-Server Run-time Executables
Elimination of Item Types and Built-Ins That Are OS-Specific or Related to Character Mode
Elimination of Obsolete Features from Older Forms Versions

Migrating Forms Applications
Considering Pre-Upgrade Issues
Using the Correct Migration Path
Using Forms Builder to Migrate
Using Forms Compiler to Migrate
Using Forms Migration Assistant
Considering Post-Upgrade Issues

Utilizing Forms Services
Forms Servlet
Forms Listener Servlet
Forms Runtime Engine
Forms Client
Starting a Run-Time Session
Selecting a Java Runtime Environment

Testing and Deploying Forms Applications
Testing Applications
Generating Applications
Deploying Applications
Constructing a URL to Run the Application

Configuring Run-Time Behavior
Configuring the Forms Servlet
Configuring the Environment
Customizing the User Interface
Using Configuration Files

Adapting Features That Work Differently on the Web
Adjusting Fonts
Key Mapping
Integrating Oracle Graphics
Calling Reports from Forms
Displaying Images
Displaying Icons

Adapting Features with Performance Implications
Tabbed Canvases
Mouse Event Triggers

Adapting Client-Server Specific Features
When-Mouse-Move|Enter|Leave Triggers
Image Control Palette
Dialog Window Style
VBX, ActiveX (OCX)
OLE Containers
Sound Items

Adapting Platform-Specific Features
Built-Ins Work on Middle Tier
OLE Automation
User Exits
Case Sensitivity

Enhancing Forms Applications with Web Technologies
Using JavaBeans to Extend Functionality
Using PJCs to Extend the User Interface
Launching a Web Page from Forms
Integrating Web Services
Integrating Forms Applications with Oracle Application Server Portal

Using WebUtil to Interact with the Client
Configuring WebUtil
Integrating WebUtil into a Form
Opening a File Dialog on the Client
Reading an Image File from the Client
Writing Text Files on the Client
Executing Operating System Commands on the Client
Performing OLE Automation on the Client
Obtaining Environment Information about the Client

Using New Integration Features of Forms 10g
Configuring JVM Pooling
Managing Forms Services with Oracle Enterprise Manager
Implementing Single Sign-On

Using Other Web-Related Features of Forms 10g
Implementing Run-Time Pooling
Performing Remote Debugging
Enabling Browser Language Detection
Restricting Parameters That Can Be Passed in the URL

Integrating Forms and Reports Applications
Using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT to Run a Report with the the Reports Multi-Tier Server
Displaying a Report from Forms
Calling a Report with the WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT Built-In

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Oracle Reports Developer 10g: Move to the Web

Oracle Forms Developer 10g: Move to the Web

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