Oracle GoldenGate 11g: Advanced Configuration for Oracle


Základní info

Enrolling in this Oracle GoldenGate 11g training will help you develop your installation and configuration skills. By interacting with top Oracle instructors, you'll be able to ask questions as you learn to solidify your understanding.bLearn To:/pxplain Oracle GoldenGate advanced configuration options.escribe and take advantage of the new Integrated Capture to replicate complex data types and compressed data.onfigure and implement the Oracle GoldenGate Event Marker system.nable data transformation based on event records in the transaction logs or in the trail files.erform zero-downtime database up and manage advanced deployment models, like 3-node multi master replication configuration.aster Oracle GoldenGate facilities to detect and resolve data conflicts in active-to-active replication implementations.bBenefits to You/pntegrate your organization's disparate data across heterogeneous databases for improved decision-making. Become more efficient at configuring and implementing Oracle GoldenGate.bEnable Zero-Downtime Migration/phis course also allows you to simulate a system upgrade. You'll develop the skills needed to survive an aborted migration, incurring zero data loss. Hone these skills by engaging in hands-on demonstrations and exercises.bActive-Active Replication and CDR/pou'll also build two-way and three-way active-active replication configurations. Explore both basic and advanced conflict detection and resolution (CDR). Review basic product-provided CDR, with more advanced custom CDR techniques implemented using SQLEXEC and stored procedures.bConfigure Integrated Extract Groups/phe recently introduced Integrated Extract feature is also covered in depth. You'll learn to configure integrated extract groups operating in both local and downstream deployment modes.bLearn to Utilize Advanced Features/ppon completing this course, you'll be able to utilize the more advanced features of Oracle GoldenGate 11g, including: integrated capture, active-active replication, conflict detection and resolution, DDL/DML replication, Oracle GoldenGate event marker subsystem, advanced data manipulation and transformation techniques and advanced data mapping.

Oracle GoldenGate 11g: Advanced Configuration for Oracle

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40 160 Kč + 21% DPH

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