Oracle GoldenGate 11g Fundamentals for Oracle


Základní info

The Oracle GoldenGate 11g: Fundamentals for Oracle course focuses on Oracle-to-Oracle data replication and introduces the Oracle GoldenGate architecture as well as various product features. Students learn to install Oracle GoldenGate and prepare the source and target environment. The course teaches how to use the Oracle GoldenGate command line interface efficiently. Students configure Change Capture, Initial Load, and Change Delivery. They learn to extract trails and files, create parameter files, and to manage Oracle GoldenGate instances.earn To: onfigure Change Deliverynstall Oracle GoldenGate and prepare the environmenteverage the GGSCI commandline interfaceonfigure Change Capture and configure Initial Loadxtract trails and filesanage Oracle GoldenGate instancesa href="" target="_blank"/a

Oracle GoldenGate 11g Fundamentals for Oracle

Vybraný termín:


17 800 Kč + 21% DPH

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