Oracle GoldenGate 11g Troubleshooting and Tuning


Základní info

This Oracle GoldenGate 11g Troubleshooting and Tuning course teaches you to gather and examine evidence to solve cases. Each of the practices challenges you to diagnose and troubleshoot issues using GoldenGate software.bLearn To:/p se Oracle GoldenGate troubleshooting tools like Knowledge Documents, Documentation, SHOWSYNTAX parameter the Logdump utility.roubleshoot Extract and Replicat problems, mapping problems and synchronization problems.dentify causes of slow startups.onitor lag and statistics.dentify network and disk bottlenecks.erform tuning of key GGSCI commands to gather process evidence.bOracle GoldenGate 11g Performance Tuning/phis course helps you explore methods of Oracle GoldenGate 11g performance tuning by identifying the causes of slow startups, evaluating lag statistics and solving network and disk bottlenecks. You'll also learn to utilize all of the existing GoldenGate tools, like GGSCI and Logdump, to troubleshoot system issues.

Oracle GoldenGate 11g Troubleshooting and Tuning

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30 120 Kč + 21% DPH

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