Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Management Pack Overview


Základní info

This Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Management Pack Overview training introduces you to GoldenGate management. Once a GoldenGate installation is up and running, you'll learn how it must be monitored, maintained and managed.strongLearn To:/pnstall and configure GoldenGate Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to administer replication.eport on alerts.enerate statistics.xamine the history of GoldenGate installations.strongBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll get a chance to deep dive into how this Oracle GoldenGate solution can benefit your business. Work with expert Oracle University instructors to become more familiar with the products and features within the management pack.

Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Management Pack Overview

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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