Oracle Hyperion Financial Mgmt 11.1.2: Create & Manage Applications


Základní info

This course teaches you how to create and manage applications using Financial Management. You create an application, enter data, and adjust and view data using data grids and data forms.You also enter and process journals and inter-company data, deploy rules, calculate and consolidate data, manage the review and approval process of financial data, and apply system security to Financial Management data. Learn To:Create accounts, entities, scenarios, and custom dimensionsImport and export data and metadataCreate and deploy an applicationEnter data in data forms and data gridsEnter intercompany dataPerform data consolidationFor students new to Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, it is suggested that you view the Financial Management Overview Tutorial before attending class.* This course is also suitable for customers using Oracle Hyperion Financial Management 11.1.1.

Oracle Hyperion Financial Mgmt 11.1.2: Create & Manage Applications

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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