Oracle Identity Federation 11g R2: Administration


Základní info

This Oracle Identity Federation 11g R2: Administration training gives you a chance to deep dive into this solution, with the help of expert Oracle University instructors. Oracle Identity Federation 11g R2 is a core component of the Oracle Identity and Access Management platform and plays a critical role in the enterprise IT infrastructure.bLearn To:/ponfigure Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite 11g R2.mplement transient and account mapping federation.mplement linking and role-based federation.onfigure LDAP authorization in Oracle Access Manager.anage Access Manager policies with Identity Identity Federation and Access manager in concert together.enerate federation reports and audit federation data.onitor and view federation logs.onfigure federation in a high availability environment.onfigure OAuth Server.onfigure an OpenID Federation.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the federation server, which enables cross-domain single sign-on and authentication in a multiple-domain identity network. OIF reduces account management for partner identities and lowers the cost of integration through support of industry federation standards.

Oracle Identity Federation 11g R2: Administration

Vybraný termín:


48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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