Oracle Identity Manager New Features and Enhancements


Základní info

This Oracle Identity Manager New Features and Enhancements training teaches you about new features associated with Oracle Identity Manager(OIM), one product of the Oracle Identity Governance Suite 11R2 PS3. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you about admin roles; examine types of admin roles available in Oracle Identity Manager and see how by managing these roles, you can perform authorization and authentication in Oracle Identity Manager.bLearn To:/pxplore the new identity self-service console user the system for Cross-domain Identity Management(SCIM) APIs to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with clients through REST and JSON.onfigure the new approval workflows, associating operations, rules and conditions.anage password policies with custom challenge options, including user defined challenge questions.nable the Identity Audit module, explore role lifecycle management, role history and role analytics.anage Oracle Identity Manager authorization through admin roles and self-service capabilities.romote detective and preventive segregation of duties through identity audit policies, rules and scans.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll develop the knowledge and skills to facilitate CRUD of organizations, users, enterprise roles, administration roles and password policies via the new UI of the Identity Self-Service Console. You'll develop the ability to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with RESTful/JSON clients, such as mobile applications, modern websites and SOA composites.bDive into Approval Workflows, Lifecycle Management and Role Analytics/pearn about single, bulk and heterogeneous operations, rules and conditions associated with the new approval workflows. Implement conditional password policies per organization, with user defined challenge questions. See how role lifecycle management, role consolidation and role analytics fit seamlessly into role management workflows.bExplore Self-Service Capabilities/pou'll also become familiar with self-service capabilities and develop an understanding of the role policies and rules play in restricting a user’s self-service capabilities in Oracle Identity Manager. Learn about the new Identity Audit (IDA) module for PS3, including how to use IDA to detect segregation of duties violations in Oracle Identity Manager.

Oracle Identity Manager New Features and Enhancements

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24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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