Oracle Identity Manager 11g: Develop Identity Provisioning


Základní info

This course begins by quickly reviewing the benefits, terminology, functional aspects, and infrastructure of identity management and identity administration using Oracle Identity Manager 11g ( These are concepts already covered in the Oracle Identity Manager 11g: Essentials course.bLearn To:/preate Configurations for Direct Provisioning, Automated Provisioning, and Key Provisioning Functionalities.nderstand and Perform Event Handlers and Plug-Ins.reate Approval Processes for Request and Approval Workflows.nderstand the Generic Technology Connector (GTC) Framework.ustomize Oracle Identity Manager User Interfaces.bBenefits to You:/pecure your organization's critical applications and sensitive data to lower operational costs. Manage the entire user identity life cycle across all enterprise resources.bAutomated Provisioning/phis course teaches you how to create configurations to provision users with external resources, both manually and through auto-provisioning. You will then learn about key provisioning functionalities: disabling, enabling, changing the password of, deleting a user’s account with an external resource and modify an Oracle Identity Manager configuration to include these functionalities.bPerforming Reconciliation/pou get to learn about the concepts of reconciliation and work with authoritative reconciliation and account reconciliation. In addition, you learn how to customize the reconciliation workflows by developing and deploying plug-ins.bRequest and Approval Workflow/phis course teaches you the components of request and approval workflow, like the request dataset, approval processes, and approval tasks. You learn how to create and manage an approval workflow, email notifications for the approval workflow, incorporating the approval workflow into a provisioning workflow, and how to approve user provisioning before providing the user with access rights to a resource.bGeneric Technology Connector(GTC) Framework/pou also learn about providers associated with a Generic Technology Connector (GTC) framework and how to use these providers to provision and reconcile users with an Oracle Database table.

Oracle Identity Manager 11g: Develop Identity Provisioning

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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