Oracle Identity Manager 11g: Essentials


Základní info

Oracle Identity Manager 11g ( is a highly flexible and scalable enterprise identity management system that manages the access privileges of users within enterprise IT resources. It helps to answer the critical compliance questions of "Who has access to What, When, How, and Why"racle Identity Manager’s flexible architecture can handle the most complex IT and business requirements without requiring changes to existing infrastructure, policies, or procedures. With this hallmark flexibility, Oracle Identity Manager excels at handling the constant flow of business changes that impact real-world identity management deployments. This flexibility is derived from the product’s architecture, which abstracts core provisioning functions into discrete layers.Changes to workflow, policy, data flow, or integration technology are isolated within the respective functional layers of Oracle Identity Manager, thus minimizing application-wide impact. In addition, Oracle Identity Manager is flexible because all configurations are done via its powerful user interface. The product does not rely on any scripting language for setup, configuration, or process modeling. As a result, Oracle Identity Manager is the most-advanced enterprise identity management solution available.n this course, students learn essential concepts associated with Oracle Identity Manager. First, students receive an understanding of the importance, benefits, terminology, functional aspects, and infrastructure of identity management and identity administration. Then, students learn about Oracle Identity Manager, including how it uses connectors manage reconciliation and provisioning workflows.his course teaches students how to create and manage organizations, roles, and users. Then, students learn about predefined connectors, including benefits, best practices, and real-world scenarios for using these connectors.This course teaches students how to implement direct and automated provisioning workflows to create user accounts in external resources manually and automatically. Then, students build request templates, import request datasets and approval processes, and build approval policies to create the request management workflow for provisioning users.his course teaches students about two types of reconciliation: authoritative reconciliation and account reconciliation. Students learn how authoritative reconciliation is used to identify new user accounts on trusted sources and transfer them into Oracle Identity Manager. Similarly, students learn how account reconciliation is used to recognize changes to user accounts on nonauthoritative sources and transfer these modifications into Oracle Identity Manager.his course teaches students about Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, including how to use this tool to view logs and monitor Oracle Identity Manager and its components.his course teaches students about authorization policies and reports, including how to access entitlement data in reports using Oracle BI Publisher.earn to:uild authorization policies to manage access rights ccess Oracle Identity Manager reports using Oracle BI Publisher nable auditing for Oracle Identity Manager and use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to access logs and monitor the state of Oracle Identity Manager xport and import Oracle Identity Manager configuration objects reate, load, and manage Oracle Identity Manager users, organizations, and roles utomate provisioning users through a request and approval workflow enefits to You:ecure your organization's critical applications and sensitive data to lower operational costs. Manage the entire user identity life cycle across all enterprise resources.

Oracle Identity Manager 11g: Essentials

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48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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