Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2: System Administration Workshop Ed 2


Základní info

This Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2: System Administration Workshop Ed 2 training is an intensive course that teaches complex OIM System Administration topics. You'll learn about OIM System Administration by setting up a production-like (highly-available) OIM environment and performing configuration, troubleshooting, diagnostics and performance tuning for OIM.bLearn To:/pnstall OIM 11g R2 PS3 in a production-like (high-available) environment.ack up and restore OIM 11g R2 PS3 environments.cale up OIM 11g R2 PS3.ncrypt the OIM server communication through Front-end SSL and End-to-End SSL.reate administrative accounts in OIM and change the administrative accounts passwords used by OIM (weblogic, xelsysadm, and database accounts).nstall an OIM connector.onfigure OIM notifications and active notifications (mail approval).urge the OIM audit data to control the database growth.onitor the OIM environment and manage logs.dentify, isolate, and troubleshoot the most common OIM issues.erify the environment performance.dentify and apply tuning guidelines in OIM, WebLogic Server, JVM, and the underlying components.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll become familiar with OIM system administration best-practices and guidelines based on real-life scenarios. You'll develop knowledge about diagnosing and troubleshooting issues, while getting the most out of your environment through optimization and performance tuning tips.bEngage in Hands-On Exercises/phis is a hands-on course, with approximately 80% of your time dedicated to engaging in practices. It's in workshop format, so most of the content is taught via lab scenarios.

Oracle Identity Manager 11g R2: System Administration Workshop Ed 2

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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