Oracle Identity Manager: Administration and Implementation


Základní info

The Oracle Identity Manager: Administration and Implementation course covers how to install the product and use it to manage company’s users, organizational units, resources and privileges. This includes the five fundamental actions an administrator performs with a resource-related account: creating, disabling, reinstating, modifying, and deleting the account. Students also learn how Oracle Identity Manager retrieves user and organizational records from both trusted and nontrusted sources, including how to implement workflows to detect rogue accounts from nonauthorized resources.tudents then create reports in Oracle Identity Manager that capture users present and life cycle relationships with resources. Next, students set up, create, manage, and review an attestation workflow, from end-to end. This workflow notifies reviewers of a report they must review to verify users have access to the appropriate resources and privileges within these resources. Lastly, students learn how to customize the look and feel and functionality of Oracle Identity Manager, as well as modify its code to extend its capabilities.earn To:anage resources Oracle Identityork with the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console and Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Consoleonfigure, create, and manage workflows for trusted source reconciliation and target resource reconciliationreate and manage users, user groups, and organizationsustomize both the “look and feel” and the functionality of the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Consolenstall, configure, and start Oracle Identity Manager and its Diagnostic Dashboard/ula href="" target="_blank"/a

Oracle Identity Manager: Administration and Implementation

Vybraný termín:


22 250 Kč + 21% DPH

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