Oracle NoSQL Database for Administrators Ed 2 TOD


Základní info

This Oracle NoSQL Database for Administrators training teaches you how to deploy a KVStore and troubleshoot installation and hardware failures. Expert Oracle University instructors will also teach you how to monitor and manage a KVStore. Â strongLearn To:/p lan installation of Oracle NoSQL Database.nstall and configure Oracle NoSQL Database.eploy Oracle NoSQL Database KVStore.ecure the configuration.xtend a KVStore by increasing the replication factor or capacity of the KVStore.roubleshoot installation and hardware failures.onitor and optimize Oracle NoSQL Database performance.liPerform backup, recovery, and upgrades. strongBenefits to You/p hen you walk away from this course, you'll be able to identify the features and benefits of the Oracle NoSQL Database. You'll have a deeper understanding of how to optimize the KVStore's performance.

Oracle NoSQL Database for Administrators Ed 2 TOD

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0 Kč + 21% DPH

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