Oracle Real-Time Decisions 3.0 (RTD) for Developers


Základní info

This course, designed for individuals on the implementation team responsible for inline service development and RTD installation and administration, enables participants to perform tasks required to successfully configure and deploy RTD with their operational applications and leverage its provision of decisions as a service. Participants learn about inline services and the elements that support real-time decisions, including the use of business and filtering rules as well as the role of automated RTD learning and adjustment based on unique transactional interactions. The course covers various aspects of integration between RTD and target applications as well as administrative tasks and tools and the use of the RTD batch framework, preparing participants to engage on RTD deployment projects at all levels of the project lifecycle, from gathering requirements to production rollout and monitoring.he course introduces the RTD platform and applications, describing their features, functions, capabilities, and architecture. The lesson topics are reinforced with structured hands-on practices during which participants create and deploy a fully functional inline service project from scratch. Participants also perform administrative tasks and use the batch framework to obtain batched decisions, simulate responses, and close the loop with batched learning.imulate the runtime operation of the inline service projectvaluate integration options between RTD and target operational applicationsnterpret RTD learning and statistics using real-time model reportsse dynamic choices and external rules to manage composite decisionsmplement and perform batch operations using the batch frameworkuild an inline service project and manage its deployment

Oracle Real-Time Decisions 3.0 (RTD) for Developers

Vybraný termín:


50 286 Kč + 21% DPH

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