Oracle Real-World Performance


Základní info

This Oracle Real-World Performance seminar provides a day of real-world database performance with Tom Kyte, author of the ever-popular AskTom Blog, Andrew Holdsworth, head of Oracle’s Real-World Performance Team, and Graham Wood, renowned Oracle Database performance architect.bSeminar Topics/phese experts debate, discuss and delineate the best practices for:esigning hardware architectures.eploying Oracle databases.eveloping applications that deliver the fastest possible performance for your business.bIOUG World Tour for Oracle Real-World Performance/phis event was recorded in Redwood Shores, as part of the IOUG world tour for Oracle Real-World Performance. This Training On Demand offering lets you experience the complete day's presentation from one of these limited events.

Oracle Real-World Performance

Vybraný termín:


10 040 Kč + 21% DPH

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