Oracle Reports Developer 10g: Move to the Web

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Co se naučíte

Oracle Reports has maintained its position as a premier enterprise-reporting tool by keeping pace with rapid shifts in technology. As rapidly as technology has shifted, Oracle Reports has moved from character-based, to graphical-based, to client/server, and now to multi-tier Web-based development and deployment. In this course, you learn how to migrate your existing Oracle6i Reports applications to Oracle Reports 10g, replacing deprecated, obsolete, and changed functionality with new features.

Oracle Reports 10g takes advantage of Java Server Page (JSP) technology to deliver high quality HTML pages for Web publishing. You are introduced to JSP technology; learn how to create Web reports, and how to enhance your reports by modifying the Web source code. You learn about new features for report development and report deployment introduced since release 6i. Finally, you learn how to deploy your reports using Oracle Application Server 10g.

Upgrade report applications from release 6i to release 10g
Add dynamic report data in an existing HTML page
Publish reports using Oracle Application Server 10g
Create JSP-based Web reports
Enhance reports using new features in Oracle Reports 10g

Support Engineer
Technical Consultant
Reports Developer
Business Intelligence Developer

Cíle kurzu
Identifying the benefits of deploying your Oracle Reports applications to the Web with Oracle Application Server 10g
Migrating your Oracle6i Reports applications to Oracle Reports 10g
Using Web technologies to enhance the functionality of Oracle Reports applications
Publishing reports to the Web
Replacing obsolete and deprecated functionality in your Reports applications
Utilizing the new development features of Oracle Reports 10g
Utilizing the new deployment features of OracleAS Reports Services

Témata kurzu

Why Move Reports Applications to the Web?
Reducing Costs
Improving Productivity
Increasing Accessibility
Maintaining Support
Publishing Enterprise Data
Leveraging a Standards-Based Architecture
Utilizing New Features

Migrating Reports Applications
Deprecated and Obsolete Functionality
Migrating a Report Application
Reports Builder User Interface Changes
Formatting with the SRW Built-in Package
Replacing OLE2 Objects
Migrating Charts
Replacing Buttons
Referencing System Parameters

Developing Reports for the Web
What is JSP Technology?
Building a Web Report
JSP Tags
Generating Output
Adding Dynamic Content
Customizing Reports JSPs
Creating a Web Layout Template
Creating a Parameter Form

Using New Features in Oracle Reports: Development
Accessing Data with Pluggable Data Sources
Bursting on a Repeating Group
Adding a Table of Contents
Using PDF in Oracle Reports
Inline Formatting Using HTML Tags
Using External Style Sheets
Adding a Graph to a Web Report
Integrating with Oracle JDeveloper

Deploying Reports Using OracleAS Reports Services
Running the Web Layout
Running the Paper Layout
Deploying a Report
Using a Key Map File
Extending Oracle Reports Functionality Using Plug-ins
Managing and Monitoring OracleAS Reports Services
Implementing Single Sign-On

Using New Features in Oracle Reports: Deployment

Oracle Reports Developer 10g: Move to the Web

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