Oracle Sales Cloud: Customer Data Management (CDM) Ed 2 TOD


Základní info

The Oracle Customer Data Management (CDM) Cloud Implementation course provides students with the tools to set up and maintain their Oracle CDM cloud implementation.p/ptudents learn about initial CDM setup, data security, and the key data stewardship tasks that are performed frequently.p/phe course familiarizes students with the integrations between CDM and the Oracle data clouds used to support data stewardship activities. Participants examine data security for personally identifiable information (PII) and perform a typical flow of data stewardship tasks including importing data, data matching and cleansing, data deduplication, and data enrichment. Finally, students view account profile history information.p/pstrongLearn To:/pliApply knowledge related to CDM including its architecture, data model, implementation tasks, and data management tools and processes.liPerform data management tasks including (simplified) data import, address cleansing and verification, deduplication, and data enrichment.liMonitor data quality, apply data governance principles and practices, and perform end user-related CDM tasks./ulbrpenefits to You/phis course allows you to practice common set up and maintenance tasks so that your implementation will run smoothly.

Oracle Sales Cloud: Customer Data Management (CDM) Ed 2 TOD

Vybraný termín:


30 118 Kč + 21% DPH

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