Oracle SCM Cloud: Supply Planning Implementation


Základní info

This Oracle SCM Cloud: Supply Planning Implementation training introduces you to the Oracle Supply Planning Cloud key capabilities to plan, monitor, and respond to changing supply chain conditions. his course is intended for implementers. bLearn To:/pnderstand Supply Planning conceptsonfigure and define supply plansntegrate with Oracle SCM Cloud and external systemsimulate and analyze supply plansbBenefits to You/provide you with a foundation to ensure a smooth and successful implementation of your Supply Chain Management Cloud applications. Taking this course not only helps you better understand the core implementation tasks required to set up your applications; it also gives you an opportunity to delve into the core functionality and how each can benefit your entire enterprise.bInstructional Approach/pach lesson in this course begins with your instructor presenting important concepts related to the functional setup or functionality of Oracle SCM Notebrhis course is relevant for any customers using Fusion Applications Release 13 (17c). It is for Oracle Cloud only.

Oracle SCM Cloud: Supply Planning Implementation

Vybraný termín:


12 047 Kč + 21% DPH

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