Oracle SCM Cloud: Using Innovation Management


Základní info

Participants in the Implementing Innovation Management course will learn how to use the application as an end user so that they understand how it should be used. They will post ideas, expand the ideas with enriched text and images to convey the significance of the idea, and vote on other ideas posted in the application. Participants will also convert those ideas into proposals that store business requirements. They will also develop concept structures that outline the elements needed to build and market the idea, and relate the elements to business requirements. And finally, they will place some proposals into a portfolio where they can analyze the feasibility and potential return on the proposed NotebrThis course is relevant for any customers using Fusion Applications through Release 11.1.12. It's beneficial for both Oracle Cloud and on-premises deployments. This course includes a preview of Release 13 (17c) new features.

Oracle SCM Cloud: Using Innovation Management

Vybraný termín:


18 071 Kč + 21% DPH

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