Oracle Service Cloud Integration for Developers


Základní info

The class covers how to extend the Service Cloud object model (CCOM) and query language (ROQL) applicable to all APIs before moving on to specific areas covering customizing the Customer Portal, integration using SOAP and REST APIs, and extending the Service Console via .NET add-ins. The class is modular in design and therefore can be customized for private events to focus on areas of greatest interest.The aim of the class is to enable the development team to begin to extend Service Cloud effectively. The class uses demonstrations and hands-on exercises to consolidate techniques. The class is for development members of the team and assumes good knowledge of object-oriented techniques and languages. Key programming languages used are PHP, Javascript, Java and C#. Full solutions are provided so the class is also applicable to those who wish to gain an understanding of these areas without necessarily having to complete all hands-on exercises in detail.

Oracle Service Cloud Integration for Developers

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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