Oracle SOA Suite 10g: Services Orchestration

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This course deals with the basic concepts of Service Orchestration (SOA) and implementation of SOA based applications that incorporate Enterprise Services Bus (ESB), business process integration and human workflow management using the Oracle BPEL Process Manager product.

Participants learn how to apply the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) standard for assembling a set of discrete services into an end-to-end process flow, and how to translate and transform data by using the Oracle BPEL Process Manager adapters, transfer data using the Oracle ESB services, and enable secure interactions by using Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM). They deploy and test BPEL processes in the Oracle Application Server SOA Suite. These skills help you increase the speed and flexibility of your application.

Explain the basic SOA concepts and terminology as related to integration technology
Install and configure Oracle Application Server SOA Edition containing Oracle BPEL Process Manager, Oracle ESB, Oracle Rules, and Oracle Web Services Manager
Develop and Deploy BPEL processes to an Oracle Application Server 10g environment
Administer Oracle BPEL Process Manager and monitoring business processes
Build a BPEL process and invoke synchronous and asynchronous business services
Employ Oracle ESB to move and transform message data
Secure message contents and exchanges between service endpoint by using Oracle Web Services Manager

Oracle SOA Suite 10g: Services Orchestration

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