Oracle SOA Suite 12c: New Features and Capabilities Ed 1


Základní info

This Oracle SOA Suite 12c: New Features and Capabilities Ed 1 training teaches you about the new features and capablities of the SOA Suite 12c product release as compared to the SOA Suite 11g product version. Before taking this course, you're expected to have a solid background developing 11g SCA composite applications, especially with using BPEL components; while the SOA Suite 12c product includes a number of diffferent components, the scope of the course is focused on developing SCA composite applications.bLearn To:/pescribe the new features of SOA Suite 12c.nderstand how, when and why to use the new features of SOA Suite the new features of SOA Suite 12c to become more productive as a developer.bBenefits to Youy taking this course, you'll learn to make the most of the new features of Oracle SOA Suite 12c. While the focus is on Oracle SCA application development, you will get chance to explore new wizards and tools available in 12c. You'll get a chance to participate in hands-on exercises to gain real-world experience using new features and new wizards, along with other development tools.bExplore REST Bindings and Correlation Sets/phe training covers new wizards for REST bindings and correlation sets, as well as encypting PII data and creating fault policies. Expert Oracle University instructors will dive into the new SOA debugger, templates, and BPEL subprocesses.

Oracle SOA Suite 12c: New Features and Capabilities Ed 1

Vybraný termín:


24 094 Kč + 21% DPH

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