Oracle Unified Directory 12c: Administration Ed 1


Základní info

This Oracle Unified Directory 12c: Administration training gives you an overview of the features and architecture of Oracle Unified Directory 12c. You'll learn how this solution allows for scalability to billions of entries, ease of installation, elastic deployments, enterprise manageability and effective monitoring.bLearn To:/p onfigure OUD for storage(directory server) and proxy.onfigure OUD as replication server and replication gateway.onfigure security and synchronize OUD with other third party directories.ntegrate Enterprise User Security(EUS) with Active Directory(AD).erform monitoring and logging tasks.xtend the functionality of OUD by deploying custom plug-ins.bBenefits to You/p y taking this course, you'll walk away with the ability to configure OUD instances as directory servers, proxy, replication servers and replication gateways. Expert Oracle University instructors will help you develop the skills to manage these instances by using command-line tools and ODSM (graphical interface). You also set up synchronization and integration with EUS.

Oracle Unified Directory 12c: Administration Ed 1

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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