Oracle Utilities: Mobile Workforce Management Fundamentals


Základní info

This Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management training will help you develop a solid understanding of mobile functions and key concepts using hands-on exercises with real-world examples. Training will teach you how to use the system to setup crews, work, and scheduling parameters. bLearn To:/p se the Dashboard to monitor Alerts and To-Do’ the CDI Portal to monitor and manage crews.etup and maintain crews, mobile workers, vehicles, crew skills, crew shifts and other resource related data.bBenefits to You/p y investing in this course, you'll gain a clear understanding about how to plan and schedule a variety of resources. You'll also learn how to navigate the application framework and work with the most current features available in the product.

Oracle Utilities: Mobile Workforce Management Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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