Oracle Utilities: Smart Grid Gateway Fundamentals


Základní info

This Smart Grid Gateway (SGG) training will expose you to a wide range of SGG topics. Although this course does explore some basic technical concepts, the course is not heavy on technology or configuration and is intended as an overview course to help you develop functional knowledge of SGG.bLearn To:/p avigate the the system.nderstand Meter Data Management and Smart Grid Gateway.xplore Smart Meter Command Processing.ork with 360 Degree View Portal and Zones.bBenefits to You/p he knowledge and skills you gain in this course will help you transform your business by using SGG as a single point of connection between smart grid applications and devices. You'll become more efficient using SGG to increase or decrease the amount of data flowing from devices to applications, without having to change the Meter Data Management or communications modules on separate applications.

Oracle Utilities: Smart Grid Gateway Fundamentals

Vybraný termín:


48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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