Oracle Value Chain Planning: Demantra Analytical


Základní info

This Oracle Value Chain Planning: Demantra Analytical Ed 1 training teaches you about the Oracle Demantra analytical engine and its capabilities, as well as initial Engine tuning capabilities. It's ideal for advanced DM users and implementers who have some extensive experience executing a Demantra Demand Management implementation.bLearn To:/p dentify Engine technology and architecture.nderstand engine inputs - parameters, causals, demand stream and proportions.nderstand engine flow.escribe Oracle Database 11g RAC enhancements and new features.nderstand theoretical models.escribe engine troubleshooting options.mplement Analytical Tuning exercise.mplement Performance tuning exercise.mplement a PTS configuration.escribe additional advanced engine capabilities.nderstand and implement the Oracle Demantra PE engine.bBenefits to You/py investing in this course, you'll walk away with a better understanding of how the Demantra analytical engine's capabilities can benefit your business. You'll get a chance to participate in hands-on exercises that deepen your understanding.

Oracle Value Chain Planning: Demantra Analytical

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36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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