Oracle Value Chain Planning: Implement Demantra Demand Management


Základní info

This Oracle Value Chain Planning: Demantra Demand Management Implementation Fundamentals training will teach you about Oracle Demantra Demand Management. You will gain theoretical knowledge of the product, along with practical configuration scenarios, as well as performing a step by step implementation design and build processes.The training will be accompanied by optional, but important and recommended, hands on exercises that will help the student execute and understand better the learnt processes and capabilities.By investing in this course, you’ll learn how to develop your implementation skills of a Demantra Demand management project; you will get an in-depth learning on various capability of the Demantra product and learn how to utilize them efficiently when implementing a Demantra Solution.earn To:dentify basic Demand management business requirements. ranslate basic requirement scenario to a Demantra implementation design.Build a Demantra solution based on the defined design.Perform Demantra Hardware sizing.Implement Demantra aggregation levels. Implement Demantra inbound and outbound integration.Create Demantra UI – Workflow, Collaborator Workbench and Worksheets.Describe the Demantra Engine basics.Implement Demantra security.Identify Demantra components.

Oracle Value Chain Planning: Implement Demantra Demand Management

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36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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