Oracle Value Chain Planning: Implement Demantra Predictive Trade Planning


Základní info

This Oracle Value Chain Planning: Demantra Promotion Trade Planning training will teach you about Oracle Demantra Promotion Trade planning (PTP). Expert Oracle University instructors will help you develop a deep understanding of PTP business scenarios and flows, while exploring key aspects and tips for implementation.bLearn To:/pecome deeply familiar with Demantra Prediction Trade Planning.nderstand data Modeling, integration and maintenance.odel an advanced PTP solution.ork with the promotion effectiveness analytical engine.erform promotion planning and evaluation.andle configuration methods, calendars, simulation and security.nderstand indirect customers, shipments VS consumption. andle forecasting,configuration, causal factors and tuning.ork with mobile best practice recommendations when addressing common challenges.bBenefits to You/py investing in this course, you’ll develop the knowledge and skills to implement a Demantra Promotion Trade planning project. You'll get the chance to explore various capabilities of the Demantra PTP product while learning how to utilize them efficiently when implementing a Demantra PTP Solution.bPlease Note/phis training will be accompanied by an optional demo script that can be followed.

Oracle Value Chain Planning: Implement Demantra Predictive Trade Planning

Vybraný termín:


36 141 Kč + 21% DPH

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