Oracle Warehouse Builder 10g - Implementation Part II

Kurz na míru

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Students learn to deliver on the knowledge requirements of their organization by encapsulating expertise. This is done in the form of a feature called Experts - empowering broader audiences to use OWB functionality to accomplish particular task flows, and also to help implement/enforce standards and best practices.

Model multi-dimensional dimensions and cubes
Populate the Oracle database analytic workspace by using OWB
Build an Expert
Manage multiple named configurations
Debug your mappings using the Mapping Debugger
Use OracleBI Spreadsheet Add-In in Microsoft Excel to connect to your Oracle OLAP data source
Use OWB Change Manager to take "snapshot” versions of metadata, compare them, and restore them if necessary
Model multi-dimensional dimensions and cubes
Populate the Oracle database analytic workspace by using OWB

Oracle Warehouse Builder 10g - Implementation Part II

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