Oracle WebCenter Sites 11g: Architecture Ed 2


Základní info

This Oracle WebCenter Sites 11g training will teach you how to make educated design decisions when architecting a solution on Oracle WebCenter Sites 11g ( Deep dive into content modeling for effective content contribution, asset data modeling, usability of the application, methods for content migration and integration, managing multilingual site content, search engine optimization, dynamic page delivery, caching strategies and delivery to mobile platforms.bLearn To:/pesign an efficient and effective asset data model.ake decisions about content integration and migration practices.esign an efficient and effective rendering model.hoose or design an efficient caching strategy.esign your own implementation based on a set of functional requirements.bBenefits to You/pt the end of each lesson, you'll be given time to apply what you've learned to your solution design and make modifications as needed. At the end of class, you'll be asked to present your design. An interactive discussion will follow to learn new ideas from fellow classmates.

Oracle WebCenter Sites 11g: Architecture Ed 2

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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