Oracle WebLogic Server 10g R3: Monitoring and Performance Tuning


Základní info

This course trains Oracle WebLogic Server administrators, developers, and architects to tune the various aspects of Oracle WebLogic Server to attain optimal performance. This course also trains Oracle WebLogic Server administrators on the Oracle WebLogic Diagnostics Framework. Students learn how data is generated, gathered, analyzed, and saved through the use of data harvesters, watches and notifications, collected metrics, image captures, server instrumentation, and data archivers.bLearn To:escribe the Oracle WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) architecturereate and configure ways to generate, gather, access, and persist diagnostic datase the Oracle WebLogic diagnostic console extensionilter log eventsune Java Virtual Machine (JVM) parameters, Oracle WebLogic Server parameters, and application parameters for better performance/ula href="" target="_blank"/a

Oracle WebLogic Server 10g R3: Monitoring and Performance Tuning

Vybraný termín:


22 250 Kč + 21% DPH

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