Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Performance Tuning Workshop


Základní info

This Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Performance Tuning Workshop teaches you how to monitor the effects of a running Oracle WebLogic Server application on the overall system. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you through interactive instruction, walking you through new concepts, while diving into real-world applications.bLearn how to:/pescribe a typical performance a load-testing tool such as the command-line and graphical tools such as jps, jcmd, Java VisualVM, Mission Control, and Flight Recorder.enerate and analyze performance data.une operating system resources.une Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Oracle WebLogic Server parameters.bBenefits to You/paking this course will help you develop the skills to increase the performance and scalability of your organization’s applications and services with the Oracle WebLogic Server -- the world's #1 application server. You'll learn how to simplify deployment and significantly improve time-to-market.bTune the System/phis training also teaches you how to tune the system at different levels to ensure that applications run smoothly without overtaxing available resources. In addition, walk away with an understanding of how performance-test data is generated, gathered, analyzed, and saved.bIdentify Performance Differences/pinally, you'll learn how to use a combination of tools to examine system resource, Java Virtual Machine, and Oracle WebLogic Server runtime metrics so that you can identify performance differences before and after configuration changes. You'll also practice analyzing these differences to determine the settings that optimize application performance.

Oracle WebLogic Server 12c: Performance Tuning Workshop

Vybraný termín:


30 120 Kč + 21% DPH

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