Oracle9i Database: Advanced Replication

Kurz na míru

Základní info

In a distributed environment, the availability of replicated data at multiple sites is crucial to the success of the business.
This course introduces you to the Oracle replication facility to increase the availability of data at multiple locations.
The lessons are designed to give the student practical experience in understanding and creating a multimaster replication system with materialized views. It includes lessons on the fundamental components of a replication system and how to administer these components.

Cíle kurzu:
Implement and manage updatable materialized views
Understand the solutions provided by Oracle9i Advanced Replication
Use Enterprise Manager Console to configure and administer a replication system
Troubleshoot and resynchronize a replication system
Understand deferred transactions and propagation of deferred transactions

This course counts towards the Hands-on course requirement for the Oracle 9i Database Administrator and Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certification. Only instructor-led inclass or instructor-led online formats of this course will meet the Certification Hands-on Requirement. Self Study CD-Rom and Knowledge Center courses DO NOT meet the Hands-on Requirement.

Oracle9i Database: Advanced Replication

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