OracleAS 10g R3: Build J2EE Applications I

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Popis kurzu:
During this course, you are introduced to the concepts and practical techniques of building J2EE applications. The practices involve building an end-to-end application using JavaServer Faces, Oracle Top Link, and Enterprise JavaBeans.

This first course about J2EE development focuses particularly on client applications. In addition to learning core J2EE skills, you also utilize Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) to build components.

Cíle kurzu:
Build JSF pages
Apply persistence with EJB 3.0
Utilize ADF Faces
Deploy to Oracle Application Server
Work with JDeveloper 10g Release 3
Build a Web application with J2EE using JavaServer Faces
Utilize the MVC architecture in J2EE applications
Identify appropriate business services, such as Top Link and EJB
Test J2EE business services using Web and Java clients
Deploy applications to Oracle Application Server 10g

OracleAS 10g R3: Build J2EE Applications I

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