OSB for Oracle Banking Platform 2.2


Základní info

This OSB for Oracle Banking Platform 2.2 training helps you develop Oracle Service Bus (OSB) services for integrating with Oracle Banking Platform (OBP). Work with expert Oracle University instructors to deepen your knowledge and skills.bLearn To:/pnstall OSB.et up a workspace.evelop inbound and outbound interfaces.erform error handling.plit joints.nderstand OWSM policies in OS.B.rasp the Common service framework – OBP host.ommon service framework – OSB.uild, deploy and test OSB projects.erform OSB best practices.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll develop a deeper understanding of how you can use the Oracle Banking Platform. Elevate your skill set to make this solution work for your business.

OSB for Oracle Banking Platform 2.2

Vybraný termín:


33 524 Kč + 21% DPH

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