OTM 6.0 Core Competence


Základní info

This course teaches you the most widely used core functional components in OTM, including order management, transportation planning of direct, multi-stop, and multi-leg shipments, the tendering/booking and acceptance process, and visibility. This course helps you get started with OTM including: finding what you need in OTM, entering supporting data and business rules, creating orders, building shipments, execution, and tracking shipments. OTM is a broad application with many features. This course is designed to introduce you to the breadth of the application. At the conclusion of this course, you will have an understanding of the overall OTM capabilities you may use on a daily basis.Learn to:Enter data to model sample business processesCreate an order and release an order in OTMCreate shipments from ordersExecute shipmentsSettle transportation costs

OTM 6.0 Core Competence

Vybraný termín:


55 000 Kč + 21% DPH

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