PeopleSoft Expenses Rel. 9.2


Základní info

This Expenses Rel 9.2 training teaches you how to use the functionality available in PeopleSoft Expenses. You will learn how to set up and maintain employee data for employees, managers and expense transaction approvers, while establishing preferred suppliers and credit card data.bLearn To:/pet up rules to enforce business up and maintain employee data.efine approval rules, business transaction and processing rules to maximize efficiency, avoid redundancy and ensure policy compliance.efine approver up Expense control tables.rocess reports and expense reports.bBenefits to Youou'll walk away from this training with the ability to structure data tables to improve efficiency and reduce redundancy. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to set up an approval process that matches the process used in your organization. You'll also leave the course knowing how to create expense transactions and complete the process of posting them to the general ledger.bPlease Note/pourse materials are appropriate for any customer using Release 9.x PeopleSoft Applications. If a customer has already taken the Release 9.1 course, retake is not necessary.

PeopleSoft Expenses Rel. 9.2

Vybraný termín:


48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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