PeopleSoft Grants


Základní info

This PeopleSoft Grants training teaches the fundamental concepts and features of the PeopleSoft Grants solution. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to perform the steps required to set up the Grants system, enabling you to create a proposal, generate an award, manage the award budget, generate invoices and recognize revenue for award transactions and any associated facilities and administration costs.bLearn To:/preate a proposal.enerate an award and manage the award budget.enerate invoices and recognize revenue for awards.rocess proposals through the review and approval process.etup and manage up and use the Grants Portal.anage cost sharing.nderstand award advances and protocols.bBenefits to You/paking the time to complete training gives you a chance to learn about the relationships between PeopleSoft Grants, Contracts, Project Costing and Commitment Control. You'll walk away knowing how to set up a Grants business unit, define sponsor budget items and proposal budget and process an award budget. By enrolling in this course, you'll also develop the skills to create a detailed proposal and generate an award.bParticipate in Hands-On Exercises/psing work flow, you will learn how to process proposals and protocols through the review and approval process. Through participating in interactive lessons and hands-on activities, you'll gain an edge by learning to implement and process grants in accordance with your business needs.

PeopleSoft Grants

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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